Saturday, March 30, 2013

~G~ Geometric

There are some "geometric" shapes in the belly of my owl pillow.'s the best I got!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

~G~ Gentle

My son David's dog Mabel...the sweetest, most "gentle" dog you'll ever meet.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

~F~ Flamingo

I made up a bonus "F" word (giggle)...Flamingo.

~F~ Fabulous

My mom...she had a "fabulous" feisty spirit. 
Love you Mom
Rest in Peace

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

~F~ Fire

The Phipps Conservatory held a Chihuly glass exhibit...and this piece reminded me of "fire"

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

~F~ Flower

I like taking pictures of "flowers", here are a few of my favorties.


Monday, March 18, 2013

~E~ Exercise

Here's Cyndie crossing the finish line of her second or third marathon...she cut 9 minutes off her first marathon time.  I'm so proud of my little girl and the dedication she puts into "exercising" and taking care of herself!! That's my GIRL  =)

~E~ Electric

a windmill is an alternative way to get "electric" current

~E~ Entrance

This is the "entrance" to Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church, Put-in-Bay, Ohio.

~E~ Excitment

I was filled with "excitement" when I finally got to go to my Pistol & Pink networking event.
The gun I'm shooting is a Ruger 22 magnum semi automatic pistol
We had a half hour gun safety lesson, half hour shooting and then a jewelry show. 
Quite the night!!!

~E~ Eyes

This horse has two different colored "eyes" one brown and one blue.
He was a little nervous about having his picture taken that's why the pic is kind of blurry
and I took it with my phone

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

~D~ Delicate

I didn't take this...but I hope with lots of practice I can, some day, take a photo this amazing.
When I see dandelions in this state they look so "delicate".
But in reality they cause havoc on your lawn. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

~D~ Double

I took a "double" take when I seen this sign above the threshold.

~D~ Dangle

"dangling" legs

~D~ Distant

You can see the shore line off in the "distance"
Ocean City 

~D~ Disorder

There is a lot of "disorder" when renovating your kitchen...
...but the results are well worth it!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

~C~ Cold

HEY! Let me in it's "cold" out here.

~C~ Coffee

Our "coffee" drawer at work...

and here's what it looks like after it's made.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

~C~ Calm

This was taken from my back deck right before a big thunder storm.
The "calm" before the storm - I love thurnder storms!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

~B~ Beneath

Here's a truck I seen in a valley on the side of the road "beneath" a lot of brush...
so I had to stop and take a picture.

~B~ Beauty

An American "beauty" rose that I grew in my front yard.
Yellow roses were my mom's favorite.

~B~ Bubble

"Bubble" face kitty.

~B~ Bunch

Here are a "bunch" of bike. This picture was taken in Sturgis South Dakota...we had an incredibly fun week.  Not only did we see a bunch of bikes we also seen a bunch of buffalo, yes that's right they were roaming the streets, park and where ever they darn well pleased.

~B~ Blur

Here's a picture of New Years Eve 2010 in New York City, the "blur" way down the street is actually Time Square...that's how far back we were!  It was a blast and I'd do it again in a minute, but no one want to go with me, they were all to hoo.

Friday, March 1, 2013

~A~ Air

The horses are beautiful, but the "air" is a bit smelly!
That is NOT a donkey, it's a horse...but I think he's related to the Shrek donkey

~A~ Angle

Striving for that perfect "angle" and there are some pretty cool "angles" on the bridge too.

~A~ Architecture

Pittsburgh "architecture" I love this city!

~A~ Athletic

Me and Cyndie after finishing the Warrior Dash...she is the "athletic" one she finished 25 minutes before was sooooo much fun, can't wait to do it again!
I really did finish...see my medal