Monday, May 20, 2013

~K~ Kids

Grand"Kids" Christmas 2006

Grand"Kids" Christmas 2007

Grand"Kids" New Years 2011

Grand"Kids" Christmas 2012

~K~ Kiss

Giving my sweetie a "kiss" on our 1st day in Sturgis!

~K~ Knowledge

I took a picture of the School of Business building at Robert Morris University for my "knowledge" picture.  I took this picture because I liked the architecture of the building.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013

~J~ Jump

Gina can really "jump" high!!
Must have been all those gymnastics & cheer classes!

~J~ Jam

Here's the traffic "jam" I sit in every morning on my way to work...although, the day I took this picture,  traffic was lighter than normal.

~J~ Journey

I ran 100 miles this month...never in my life would I have thought I could do this.
I know I'm not fast, and get very excited when I run a 10 minute mile,
but remember...I am an old lady!
Thanks to my kids for all the support and pushing me to complete this "journey"!!
1/2 Marathon here I come!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

~J~ Joy

Happy Happy "Joy" Joy!
Received my marathon number ~12446~

Actually I'm really freaked only 11 days away.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

~I~ Ink

My "ink" love the concept, not happy with the execution...want to get it fixed but I'm nervous about the next outcome.  My nephew does amazing work and said he could fix it all I have to do is make an appointment, don't know why I haven't called him yet.  When/if I get it redone I'll post another picture.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

~I~ Idea

Ok, this is way out of the I was walking through Station Square last week, I noticed these men watching the trains.  My first thought was it was very cool that guys still find trains interesting, my second thought was, I wonder who's "idea" it was to come to Station Square and did they come just to see the trains.

~I~ Ice

It was an "icy" cold day for snow tubing, but we had a blast!

~I~ Indigo

My "indigo" toes match my "indigo" bedding.
I'm such a dork!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

~H~ Home

"Home" to a birdie...I tried to get the Robin in the picture but it flew away.

Monday, April 8, 2013

~H~ Habit

My bad "habit" is the iPad, such a time waster.
I should have probably cleaned the screen before I took the picture.

~H~ Healthy

They say a glass of red wine is "healthy" for your heart,
so I have a glass just about every night.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

~G~ Geometric

There are some "geometric" shapes in the belly of my owl pillow.'s the best I got!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

~G~ Gentle

My son David's dog Mabel...the sweetest, most "gentle" dog you'll ever meet.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

~F~ Flamingo

I made up a bonus "F" word (giggle)...Flamingo.

~F~ Fabulous

My mom...she had a "fabulous" feisty spirit. 
Love you Mom
Rest in Peace

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

~F~ Fire

The Phipps Conservatory held a Chihuly glass exhibit...and this piece reminded me of "fire"

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

~F~ Flower

I like taking pictures of "flowers", here are a few of my favorties.


Monday, March 18, 2013

~E~ Exercise

Here's Cyndie crossing the finish line of her second or third marathon...she cut 9 minutes off her first marathon time.  I'm so proud of my little girl and the dedication she puts into "exercising" and taking care of herself!! That's my GIRL  =)

~E~ Electric

a windmill is an alternative way to get "electric" current

~E~ Entrance

This is the "entrance" to Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church, Put-in-Bay, Ohio.

~E~ Excitment

I was filled with "excitement" when I finally got to go to my Pistol & Pink networking event.
The gun I'm shooting is a Ruger 22 magnum semi automatic pistol
We had a half hour gun safety lesson, half hour shooting and then a jewelry show. 
Quite the night!!!

~E~ Eyes

This horse has two different colored "eyes" one brown and one blue.
He was a little nervous about having his picture taken that's why the pic is kind of blurry
and I took it with my phone

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

~D~ Delicate

I didn't take this...but I hope with lots of practice I can, some day, take a photo this amazing.
When I see dandelions in this state they look so "delicate".
But in reality they cause havoc on your lawn. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

~D~ Double

I took a "double" take when I seen this sign above the threshold.

~D~ Dangle

"dangling" legs

~D~ Distant

You can see the shore line off in the "distance"
Ocean City 

~D~ Disorder

There is a lot of "disorder" when renovating your kitchen...
...but the results are well worth it!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

~C~ Cold

HEY! Let me in it's "cold" out here.

~C~ Coffee

Our "coffee" drawer at work...

and here's what it looks like after it's made.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

~C~ Calm

This was taken from my back deck right before a big thunder storm.
The "calm" before the storm - I love thurnder storms!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

~B~ Beneath

Here's a truck I seen in a valley on the side of the road "beneath" a lot of brush...
so I had to stop and take a picture.